
Kirinyaga governor Anne Waiguru comes under a barrage of fire for attacking “super” PS Karanja Kibicho

Kirinyaga governor Anne Waiguru found herself on the receiving end after the entire County united in condemning her for attacking popular and hardworking Interior Permanent Secretary (PS) Dr Karanja Kibicho.

There was a rare show of unity among leaders and ordinary citizens of Kirinyaga who reacted with shock and anger after Waiguru insulted PS Kibicho and called for his sacking for allegedly engaging in politics.

Among the leaders who came to the defense of Kibicho was Kirinyaga County Woman Rep Wangui Ngirici who said Waiguru had lost it by attacking the PS who has been instrumental in pushing for major development projects.

Wangui who together with Kibicho have been working together under the clarion call of “Kirinyaga Kwanza” said it was through collaboration with PS Kibicho and other leaders from Kirinyaga ‘’that we have seen mega projects in our county that you (Waiguru) have vehemently been opposing.’’

She said Waiguru had failed the leadership test and it was time for her to pack up and go to Murang’a County where she is married.

“Residents of Kirinyaga are well united and political differences shall never take us down that route. We understand that PS Kibicho is from Kirinyaga and Waiguru is from Murang’a. Please do not burn our house as you go back home,’’ said Wangui.

Waiguru’s deputy governor Peter Ndambiri also condemned the attack on PS Kibicho saying he was saddened by the turn of events warning against insulting of senior civil servants on the political platforms.

Kirinyaga County Jubilee chairman Muriithi Wakang’ara said he was saddened by the statement of Waiguru saying it was unfortunate.

He said Kibicho was a respected and hardworking son of Kirinyaga who has helped bring many development projects to the county to which the people of Kirinyaga will forever be grateful.

Waiguru while accompanying the DP Ruto in a political tour of Embu County took the podium to attack PS Kibicho, accusing him of abandoning his work and instead engaging in politics.

She appeared angered by the comment attributed by to the PS where he said he would continue to speak about the issues affecting the people whether they are political or not.

He went on to say those opposed to his addressing issues including politics could as well swallow razor blades or hang themselves a comment seen as directed to DP Ruto.

Ruto had earlier accused CS Fred Matiangi and PS Kibicho of engaging in politics and attempted to put pressure on them to stop.

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