
Kikuyu elders warn DP Ruto he risks a bad curse for insulting President Uhuru, declares him a violent man unfit to lead

The Kikuyu Council of Elders has warned DP William Ruto that he risks a bad curse for his incessant insults directed to President Uhuru and that his violent nature makes him unsuitable for the country’s top leadership.

Warning the GEMA community to steer clear of Ruto, the elders says the heavy and ugly insults aimed at President Uhuru show how deeply he hates and despises the people of Mt Kenya.

“President Uhuru is our king, he remains the king of Mt Kenya. When you insult him, you insult all of us and as such we have no business with you,” said KCE chairman Wachira Kiago.

He said the language and the level of incitement being conducted by Ruto reminds them of the terrible times of post election violence in 2007/2008 where over 1,300 people were killed and over a million displaced mainly from the GEMA community.

Kiaga wondered why Ruto was only campaigning in Mt Kenya region yet all other regions have votes, saying it time the DP left the region and went to other places.

Speaking in Ruaka on Thursday, the elders called on leaders from various political formations to refrain from making uttarances that easily plunge the country into chaos.

Mr Kiago noted that it is painful to see leaders making reckless statements which if left unchecked can spiral out of control.

” This is the only country we call home yet our political leaders have thrown caution out and are now hurling insults at the president well aware He his the head of government,

Reacting to recent remarks by the Deputy president William Ruto and his allies against President Uhuru Kenyatta at theThika Stadium last Sunday, the council chairman urged all leaders to lead by example.

Elder Dick Waweru a former mayor, who heads transport and licensing appeal board, noted that the recent call for bodaboda operators to storm police stations and get their impounded motorcycles by the deputy president was uncalled for and showed his disregard for the law

“As a body, we condemn this such kind of utterances, we have law under National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) that a board we follow”, he said.

He cited that the president is Kenyans constitutional Head of state and deserves due respect

“ we extremely embarrassed and angered by irresponsible statements made at Rutos rally in Thika referring to the manner of Uhuru,s birth and against the presidents mother… such comments border on obscenity and are insults to African traditions” said waweru.

The elders further noted their fear for the future generation saying 70 percent of the Kenyan population whom are consuming such negative talks are youth and children who take what their leaders say as the gospel truth.

“As leaders in a community that has suffered violence, torture and death before and after independents, we can no longer see such happening and be quite about it”

The Kikuyu elders cautioned the GEMA Community against being incited against each other for political purposes and not to be prey to self-serving local or external political m

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