An act of kindness that saw BBI secretariat co-chair Denis Waweru towards a lady brutally evicted by a landlord has attracted anger from his opponents.
Waweru came to the rescue of Jane Wanjiku Gachie, a single mother of six whom he has secured employment for.
Wanjiku, from Dagoretti South Kirigu village hit the news headlines when her one-room rented house was vandalized by the landlady for four-month rent arrears.
Waweru, a former area MP came to her aid and not only brought her shopping, paid two month’s rent for a new house. On top of that Waweru left money to buy household items, he also promised to get her a job.
True to his word, Wanjiku reported to her new work station in Karen, Nairobi the following day.
The lady has been promised that she will be retained in the long run after orientation to the new job by the company manager.
A happy Wanjiku said with a regular income, she’ll be able to not only pay her rent, but also provide for her children.
Her four school going children have been taken in by Mutuini Hope Centre and they are going to be educated by the Centre.
However, Waweru expressed surprise at the level of attacks he was receiving from his opponents.
He said he will not stop doing what he can to help the poor and vulnerable adding that he has always been pro-poor.
“My opponents are angry that I helped a poor woman and are now uncomfortable with my philanthropy. They have hired bloggers to insult and abuse me,” he said.
He said some politicians from the area he did not name and who have wasted their terms in office have lost touch with the people and have shamelessly resulted in character assassinations.