
Is Agriculture CS Peter Munya emerging as ODM leader Raila Odinga’s best bet for running mate in 2022?

As the search for running mates for various political formations gathers momentum, Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya appears to be emerging as a favorite among leaders proposed to deputize ODM boss Raila Odinga for the top seat in the 2022 succession battle.

If the latest internal opinion polls conducted in the last one month are anything to go by, Munya stands a better chance of deputizing the ODM leader who is galvanizing his support through the Azimio La Umoja umbrella of coalition parties.

And the prominent role Munya during the Azimio La Umoja Convention held at Nairobi’s Kasarani stadium week ago, where Raila announced he would be gunning for the presidency in 2022, left observers with the biggest him yet.

The former Meru governor who political pundits say is a close ally of President Uhuru Kenyatta seems to be ahead of former presidential candidate and Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth and Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua.

Despite suggestions Karua is among those eyeing the DP position those close to the ”Iron Lady” say her heart appears to be tilting towards the Kirinyaga gubernatorial contest where she feels she has some ‘unfinished’ business with her 2017 challenger Anne Waiguru.

In the meantime sources say a number of factors are working in favor of CS Munya. Key among them is by virtue of the fact that he is the most experienced politician in Mt Kenya East. 

The region stuck with former President Mwai Kibaki from 1992 until he got the ultimate prize in 2002 and 2007 albeit under controversial circumstances.

As the country gears up for next year’s election political commentators say President Kenyatta is said to be considering passing the leadership baton to Mt Kenya East as a sign of statesmanship and in a bid to unite the country.

This they say is because their Mt Kenya West brothers have been at the helm of the region’s political leadership since the advent of independence in 1963

“This is in line with his dream of leaving behind a united country and making other Kenyans also feel being part of the republic,” said a source privy to the ongoing political realignments.

CS Munya’s enormous contribution and sterling performance in the Agriculture sector has earned him accolades across the country more especially in the Mt Kenya region will his efforts have borne fruits among tea, coffee and milk farmers.

The former Meru county boss clean records and his fight against corruption has put him above his peers and those pushing for him to deputize Odinga say he is a performer and hard worker who will work perfectly with the Azimio La Umoja maverick in improving the country’s economic performance.

Odinga currently enjoys the backing of influential Mt Kenya leaders and opinion shapers, among them the Mt Kenya Foundation.

The powerful Mt Kenya Foundation elite business club endorsed Raila on the condition that he will address the region’s economic interests once he becomes president.

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