
Only the presidential candidate who publicly declare support for ‘BBI’ will get support from Mt Kenya, Kiunjuri states

In move that is likely to cost the Deputy President William Ruto heavily politically, former CS Mwangi Kiunjuri nows says only the presidential candidate who will publicly declare to implement gains in the BBI will get support from Mt Kenya region.

Kiunjuri who said he is using the next three months to exclusively campaign for Mt Kenya unity said the region will continue to demand for fair representation and sharing of revenue that were contained in the BBI document.

The former Agriculture CS who fell out with Ruto after the DP asked him to fold his party said his message for Mt Kenya unity has been received well and that caucus they started with Moses Kuria and Martha Karua has greatly expanded.

After the Court of Appeal stopped BBI, DP Ruto joined those celebrating the fall thanking God for the defeat of BBI.

Even though there were celebrations in Ruto’s home area of Eldoret, the mountain region remained in studious silence indicating they had realized the document contained goodies for them which now appeared lost.

A few days later Ruto declared BBI as a dangerous document claiming it was meant to create an imperial president that he had fought against for over 30 years.

Interestingly ODM leader and President Uhuru’s handshake partner Raila Odinga was in Murang’a on Sunday where he declared support for BBI saying it was on half time.

He said it is unfair that Mt Kenya continues to be under represented and also received unequal share of revenue due to a skewed formula.

And today Kiunjuri who one of the leading lights for tanga tanga said Ruto and Raila must declared publicly that they will lead implementation of the BBI when they ascend to power for them to qualify for Mt Kenya support.

“The seed of unity that we are planting in our people is getting accepted. Even though they have not accepted to be in one party, the last one month people have been calling for unity. We have been speaking to everyone including Kanini Kega (Kieni MP) and have agreed on unity,’’ said Kiunjuri.

He said their mission is to ensure that the Mt Kenya region is not oppressed again by ensuring equal representation and a fair distribution of national resources.

Kiunjuri said the demand for equal representation through review of constituencies is the right if Mt Kenya and some people are opposed to it because majority will go to Mt Kenya region.

He said out of the 68 new constituencies proposed by the BBI over 30 seats will go to Mt Kenya region which will have a great impact in the economy of the region.

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