Prominent city lawyer Donald Kipkorir has put up a spirited defence of business mogul Chris Kirubi saying he has never stolen.
In a heartfelt condolence message Kipkorir described Kirubi as an honorable man and accused Kenyans of thriving in lies.
“We thrive in lies and we believe them. Kirubi never stole. He earned every Dollar he had. He was a good man. He was an honourable man,” wrote Kipkorir.
He described Kirubi as a visionary who was ahead of his time but like many Prophets, Kenya didn’t give him opportunity.
“Though he created his own wealth, many falsely attributed it to his time in KENATCO. Kirubi left a rich KENATCO in early 1970’s,” he said
Kipkorir said Kirubi made his money later and that DHL, a private company, was one of the first companies he acquired way later.
Some Kenyans have described Kirubi as an economic hit-man who grew his businesses in not so straight ways.
Kipkorir described how as a young lawyer before 30 years and during President Moi’s last term he looked for him and asked that they establish KEPSA to be a link between the Private Sector and the Government.
He said they met at the Norfolk multiple times many months to come up with its vision and structure before messrs Sam Mwaura and Henderson joined them.
Kipkorir said from 2013, years after they first met, Kirubi trusted him to do some of his big commercial transactions. He also made him a director of his companies.
“A man of his age and financial stature would have naturally gone to an old law firm of Mzungus and Muhindis as many do, but he came to me,” said Kipkorir.
A sad Kipkorir said Kirubi had a lot of confidence and he would call him to resolve his legal issue.
Kipkorir who quoted William Shakespeare said Kirubi was a mere mortal with frailties and weaknesses.
“He loved to love and loved to be loved. He had his fears. He had dreams and expectations,” he said.
Kipkorir said Kirubi had a big heart and went his way to help people he met.