IT Education

Caching JQL search in Jira Cloud

JQL is widely adopted by project managers, software development teams, support teams, and other Jira users. To elaborate, Jira is a popular issue & project tracking software built by Atlassian, which is similar to a database with contains details about issues. In this database, looking for specific information will be quite hard as looking for your beloved’s ring in the ocean. A simple query in JQL consists of a field, followed by an operator, followed by one or more values or functions. Once you find the appropriate issue type to use, you need to get the fields under this issue type. This endpoint will list the usable fields under the issue type.

JQL queries

You can then click on one of the suggested operators to continue building your JQL query. On the other hand, “OR” will return all issues that fulfill either of your conditions. Each keyword has a specific meaning that further narrows the search, like “AND” and “OR”.

The Jira JQL Advanced Guide: How to Search Jira Issues Like a Pro

During the period of a sprint a team implements and delivers a discrete and potentially shippable application increment. Search for issues where the remaining estimate is set to a particular value (i.e. a number, not a date or date range). Search what are JQL queries and how to use them for issues where the original estimate is set to a particular value (i.e. a number, not a date or date range). Search for issues with a particular issue key or issue ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to an issue).

JQL queries

If you’re a Jira admin, take a look at Configuring issue linking for more info. When searching issueLinkType, Jira searches all three properties. This can mean you’re unable to isolate issues with a specific inward or outward description if the link type’s name and either of the descriptions are the same. This is the case for the default “Blocks” link type, where the name and outward description are “blocks”. Different types of custom fields support different functions. Jira text-search syntax can be used with custom fields of type ‘Text’.

How do I create a query in Jira?

If you’ve made a custom field, you’ll be asked to name the field. A simple query in JQL (also known as a “clause”) consists of a field, followed by an operator, followed by one or more values or functions. The “CHANGED” operator is used to find issues that have a value that had changed for the specified field. This page describes information about operators that are used for advanced searching. Based on the above and more, we chose to update on stale read.

  • It is possible for your Jira administrator to change the name of a resolution, which could break any saved filter that rely on that name.
  • JDBC limits the number of values in an in clause being sent to Postgres to values (Short.MAX_VALUE).
  • When searching issueLinkType, Jira searches all three properties.
  • Jira will first order the list by priority and then sort by assignee for all of the issues with the same priority.

Note that the Lucene value for Customer Request Type, is portal-key/request-type-key. While the portal key cannot be changed after a service project portal is created, the project key can be changed. The Request Type key cannot be changed once the Request Type is created. Search for issues that were created on, before, or after a particular date (or date range). Note that if a time-component is not specified, midnight will be assumed.

Jira Product Discovery

In this link, you can find all the other functions available. Here are some reserved characters and words in Jira that need to be used in a specific manner when using them in a query. This example shows you how to write a small python script that will use REST interface to graph the relationships
between issues in Jira site. The examples in this section show you more advanced use cases for the REST API, like calling the REST API from
a script or an app.

JQL, like SQL and GraphQL, enables easy access to large data sets. These queries are similar in nature, even though they operate on different platforms. Jira Query Language enables anyone to build queries that can be executed in Jira to produce a set of results. These queries are very similar to SQL, GraphQL, and other query languages that enable easy access to large databases or data sets.

What the sorting does is show us the most recent issues first. Use the DESC keyword to sort in reverse (newest to oldest). That way you focus your audience on the most important issues first.

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